Expert Advice in Urban Water Management
Water Sensitive Solutions delivers sustainable water solution focusing on Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). We advise on and undertake design of sustainable water projects for both the public and private sector.
Our extensive experience from both the public and private sectors, gained from on-ground projects, has taught us what works. We understand and have been involved in the whole life cycle of projects from inception through to asset management. By applying our experience together with the latest research and quality management principles, we ensure our sustainable water solutions exceed your expectations.
We also develop design tools for the industry to aid in decision making.
We will work independently or as part of a larger multidisciplinary team.
Case studies
We have been involved professionally in a large number of projects in sustainable urban water management, see some examples of our work.
We provide a range of services, including stormwater treatment and stormwater harvesting systems, to deliver a more sustainable outcome for your project.
Our published works include international journals as well as presentations at a number of conferences, both in Australia and internationally.